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Our client portal provides access to all the latest HR resources related to your industry and business. Clients can receive emails announcing new content, tailored to your industry, state and preferences, as often as you like.

Below is a summary of some of the January additions. Just log in to your MyWave Connect account to access any of these documents or let us know if you are interested in a topic and we will email you more information.

2015 Survey Results: Employee Benefits Benchmark Survey

This document features the results from Zywave’s 2015 Employee Benefits Benchmark Survey that was conducted in late 2015.

Top 10 Most Common Reasons for Going to the Doctor

This Live Well, Work Well flyer examines the top reasons for visiting the doctor and what you can do minimize the number of trips you take to the doctor’s office each year.

Top 10 Causes of Death in the U.S.

This Live Well, Work Well flyer examines the top causes of death in the United States and what you can do to prevent them.

Georgia Workers' Compensation

This Employment Law Summary provides a general overview of the requirements for employers under the Georgia Workers' Compensation Act.

Preparing for a DOL Health Plan Audit Presentation

This Powerpoint presentation provides an overview of Department of Labor (DOL) audits for health plans. It explains why certain health plans are selected for audit, provides tips for preparing for (and avoiding) an audit and describes what is typically required of an employer during a health plan audit.

Benefits Toolkit - 1095 Reporting

This 1095 Reporting Toolkit outlines what you need to know about 1095 forms and guides you through employee communication efforts.

Form 1095-B: Employee Communications Flyer

This flyer can be used to inform employees about Form 1095-B. Requires customization.

Form 1095-C: Sample Employee Communications Email

This short email sums up why employees will receive a Form 1095-C, when it should be received and what employees should do with it. Requires customization.

Form 1095-B: Sample Employee Communications Email

This short email sums up why employees will receive a Form 1095-B, when it should be received and what employees should do with it. Requires customization.

Form 1095: Sample Employee Communications Email Reminder

This email serves as a reminder to employees about Form 1095 and helps reinforce earlier communication efforts. Requires customization.

Form 1095-C: Employee Communications Flyer

This flyer can be used to inform employees about Form 1095-C. Requires customization.

Summary of the 2015 Employer Health Benefits Annual Survey

This article briefly summarizes some of the main takeaways from the 2015 survey of employer-sponsored health benefits from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust (Kaiser/HRET).

Employer Health Benefits 2015 Annual Survey

The annual survey of employer-sponsored health benefits from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust (Kaiser/HRET).

Forms 1095-A, 1095-B & 1095-C

This Know Your Insurance Article features common questions and answers from the IRS regarding the new 1095-A, 1095-B & 1095-C tax forms.

HR Brief - February 2016

This month's HR Brief gives an overview of recent guidance issued on conducting internal Form I-9 audits and on advising employees on 401(k) loans. It also advises employers about the new filing deadlines for certain information returns beginning with the 2016 reporting year, including the Form W-2.

Live Well, Work Well Newsletter - February 2016

The Live Well, Work Well Newsletter is an employee newsletter that is produced monthly and covers topics like health, wellness, fitness, nutrition and personal finances. This month’s issue includes information on tanning beds, the importance of good posture, how to prevent foodborne illness and a fudgy fruit recipe.

Workplace Wellness: Health Fair Guide

This Workplace Wellness guide provides a detailed timeline for planning your event, sample wellness fair activities, and more to help you plan a successful health fair.

May 2016 National Health Observances

This calendar contains a summary of popular national health and wellness observances for this month and identifies available resources that provide education on each topic.

2016 National Health Observances Calendar

This calendar contains a summary of popular national health and wellness observances for 2016.

7 Tips for Health Care Spending

This video is part of the Know Your Benefits series and outlines seven ways to save on your health care costs.

Federal Budget Provides Transit Parity

A federal budget bill for 2016 increased the maximum monthly tax exclusion for employer-provided mass transit benefits in order to make it equal to the limit for employer-provided qualified parking benefits. This Compliance Bulletin summarizes the new transit parity provision. It has been updated for IRS Notice 2016-6, which provides guidance on the retroactive increase of the tax limit for 2015.

"Ban the Box" Law

Employment Law Summaries for New Jersey, California, Rhode Island and Massachusettes providing an overview of the "Ban the Box" law, which limits an employer's ability to ask job applicants about their criminal record.

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