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Below is a summary of some of the August additions. Just log in to your MyWave Connect account to access any of these documents.

Colorado Employer Recordkeeping Requirements

This Employment Law Summary provides an overview of general employer recordkeeping requirements in Colorado.

Pay or Play: Employers can Exclude Some Veterans from ALE Calculation

Signed into law on July 31, 2015, the Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act adds a new exclusion for purposes of determining an employer's status as an applicable large employer (ALE) subject to the ACA's pay or play rules. Retroactive to Jan. 1, 2014, employers can exclude veterans who have coverage under certain veterans’ health coverage programs when determining their ALE status. This Health Care Reform Bulletin provides an overview of the exclusion.

Tennessee Workers' Compensation

This document provides a general overview of Tennessee workers' compensation.

Guidelines Finalized for Electronic Reporting under Sections 6055 and 6056

On Aug. 18, the IRS finalized several pieces of guidance for reporting electronically under Internal Revenue Code Sections 6055 and 6056. Electronic filing will be done using the ACA Information Returns (AIR) Program. This Health Care Reform Bulletin provides an overview of the electronic reporting process.

What Happens if an Employee Misses Open Enrollment?

This Benefits Insights article provides information about what employers need to do in the event that an employee misses the open enrollment deadline.

Health Care Reform: Provider Reporting of Health Coverage - Code Section 6055

Effective in 2015, the ACA created new reporting requirements under Code Section 6055. Under these rules, providers of minimum essential coverage must provide information to the IRS about the health coverage they provide, generally using Forms 1094-B and 1095-B. This Legislative Brief summarizes the Section 6055 reporting rules.

Health Care Reform: Employer Reporting of Health Coverage - Code Section 6056

Effective in 2015, the ACA created new reporting requirements under Code Section 6056. Under these rules, applicable large employers subject to the employer shared responsibility rules must provide information on Forms 1094-C and 1095-C to the IRS about the health coverage they offer to their full-time employees. This Legislative Brief summarizes the Section 6056 reporting rules.

Accommodating Transgender Workers

This HR Insights article describes best practices in accommodating transgender workers.

Health Care Reform: Early Renewals Offered to Employers

Under the ACA, beginning in 2016, the small group market in all states will be expanded to include employers that employ up to 100 employees. To help mitigate the ACA's impact on health insurance premiums, some health insurance issuers have been encouraging employers to renew their coverage early for 2016. This Legislative Brief describes the options offered by certain issuers and outlines legal concerns that employers should keep in mind when considering these options.

Employment Visas in the United States

This Legislative Brief presents an overview of employment visas commonly available to foreign nationals who wish to work in the United States.

New York City: Mass Transit Benefits

In 2014, New York City signed into law the Affordable Transit Act, which will require employers to offer pretax transit benefits. The law goes into effect on January 1, 2016.

HealthLeaders Media Fact File: Health System Achievers (July/August 2015)

This Fact File looks at the U.S. health systems that have achieved better patient results and lower costs.

New Mexico Employee Leave Laws - Overview

This Employment Law Summary includes a chart that provides a high-level overview of New Mexico's employee leave laws and suggests compliance steps for employers.

Live Well, Work Well Newsletter – September 2015

The Live Well, Work Well Newsletter is an employee newsletter that is produced monthly and covers topics like health, wellness, fitness, nutrition and personal finances. This month's issue includes the USDA's MyPlate guidelines, information on blood pressure readings, understanding food expiration dates, food storage timelines and a baked chicken with veggies recipe.

New Hampshire Employee Leave Laws - Overview

This Employment Law Summary includes a chart that provides a high-level overview of New Hampshire's employee leave laws and suggests compliance steps for employers.

Mississippi Employee Leave Laws - Overview

This Employment Law Summary includes a chart that provides a high-level overview of Mississippi's employee leave laws and suggests compliance steps for employers.

Nevada Employee Leave Laws - Overview

This Employment Law Summary includes a chart that provides a high-level overview of Nevada's employee leave laws and suggests compliance steps for employers.

2015 Draft Instructions for 6055 and 6056 Reporting Include Filing Extensions

On Aug. 7, 2015, the IRS released 2015 draft instructions for the forms that employers will use to report under Sections 6055 and 6056. The 2015 draft instructions include a number of clarifications for reporting and propose filing extensions and a waiver from electronic filing. This Health Care Reform Bulletin provides an overview of key changes in the 2015 draft instructions.

Utah Wage Payment Requirements

This Employment Law Summary provides an overview of wage payment requirements in Utah.

Utah Minimum Wage Laws

This Employment Law Summary provides an overview of minimum wage laws in Utah.

IRS Issues Notice 2015-52 on Cadillac Tax Implementation

On July 30, 2015, the IRS issued Notice 2015-52 to continue the process of developing guidance to implement the Cadillac tax. Notice 2015-52 addresses additional issues under the Cadillac tax, including who is liable, employer aggregation and notice and payment of the tax. Proposed or final regulations have not been issued. This Health Care Reform Bulletin provides an overview of Notice 2015-52.

Health Care Reform: 2016 Compliance Checklist

Although many key reforms under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became effective in 2014 and 2015, additional reforms will become effective in 2016 for employers sponsoring group health plans. To prepare for 2016, employers should review upcoming requirements and develop a compliance strategy. This Legislative Brief provides a health care reform compliance checklist for 2016.

Employee Letter for Form 1095-C

This letter explains Form 1095-C to employees. Requires customization.

Employee Letter for Form 1095-B

This letter explains Form 1095-B to employees. Requires customization.

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